Exploring The Benefits Of Hiring Pest Control Experts

Exploring The Benefits Of Hiring Pest Control Experts

Say Goodbye To Those Cool-Weather Pests: How To Keep Ants And Roaches Away This Fall

Evan Patterson

Fall will be here before you know it, and with it, those pesky cool weather pests. You might think that you'd be done with ants and roaches once the warm weather leaves, but that's not necessarily true. In fact, when the weather cools down, ants and roaches start actively looking for a place to reside before the temperatures really take a dip in the winter. Just because they're looking, doesn't mean you need to be stuck with them. Here are three effective strategies for saying no to cool-weather pests.

Have Your Home Treated Before Fall Arrives

You don't want to share your home with ants and roaches this fall. Luckily, you don't have to. Before the weather cools down much more, schedule an appointment with your local pest control company. The best line of defense against those cool-weather pests is a properly treated home. Your pest control technician will spray outside along the foundation of your home, and then inside along the baseboards, and inside your cabinets. The initial treatment will take care of the initial problem, but it's a good idea to have them come out on a monthly basis for continued protection.

Move the Recycling Bin

Once your pest control technician has taken care of the pesticide treatment, you'll need to do your part to keep the pests from coming around. If you've got a recycling bin outside, that's a good place to start. Recycling bins usually contain things like soda cans, and cardboard boxes. Unfortunately, if the soda cans contain small drops of soda, or the cardboard pizza boxes contain small crumbs, roaches and ants are going to make a bee-line for our recycling bins. To keep the bugs away, move your recycling bin away from your home, and make sure that you keep a lid on it at all times. You should also rinse out the cans, and toss the crumbs in the trash before you place them in the recycling bin.

Go Up and Away With the Firewood

If you've got a fireplace, and you store firewood on your property, you may have an illuminated welcome sign in your yard for all the local pests. This is particularly true if your woodpile is up near your home. While it's more convenient to store your wood near your home, it's more likely to invite pests. Clear a space towards the back of your yard, and store your firewood there. If possible, build an elevated storage area for the wood. This will ensure that the wood isn't resting directly on the ground.

Say no to the neighborhood pests this fall. The simple, yet effective, strategies provided here will make your home a pest-free zone. For more information, contact companies like Bio-Lab Pest & Termite Control.


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Exploring The Benefits Of Hiring Pest Control Experts

Hi there, my name is Taylor Stone. Ant problems do not just go away on their own. I thought that keeping my home clean would eliminate ants from the premises after they stopped finding food lying about. Boy was I wrong about that. The ants kept streaming inside the home in tiny lines that caused me great distress. The ants went into my pantry and even tried to go into the fridge. I eventually had to call in pest control experts to remove these critters from the vicinity. I was astonished at how quickly and efficiently the pest control experts worked to resolve this trying problem. They got more done in a few weeks than I could accomplish in a year's time. I hope to share the benefits of hiring a pest control expert immediately upon noticing a problem. Thank you.
